Sunday, 22 August 2010

I am worried my blogging license may have been revoked

Yes, so, it would appear that during the school holidays, when I have the pleasure of the boys' company during every hour when I am not at work, I find it more difficult to sit down and write about what is going on Chez Loth. There is, you see, too much going on Chez Loth for me to be able to sit down and describe it. Admittedly, what is going on is mostly arguments about who gets to play the Penguin on Lego Batman on the Wii, so it is probably just as well that I have not felt the need to post on this subject in any detail. You lot don't really need to hear my well worn speech on "If you can't agree on who is doing what, then I am TURNING THE WII OFF!!!".

Anyway, the boys have gone to Camp Granny and Grandad for a couple of nights before they go back to school on Wednesday (First Born) and Thursday (Second Born), and I am therefore free to hog the laptop for a while. So how have you all been? I have still been reading some blogs, albeit not commenting much. I must confess I had to take a deep breath a wee while ago and hit "mark all as read" on a few. There were over 450 entries in my reader and there was just no way I was going to manage to read all those with the care they deserved and still, you know, eat and shower occasionally. Please forgive me, therefore, if I have been noticeable by my absence over at your place recently. I'll be around shortly.

In the meantime I have about 3 dozen name labels to sew onto various items of schoolwear before Wednesday. Anyone who knows me and my sewing skills knows this will take me until about 4pm on Tuesday if I start now, so I had better get started......


  1. Nice to have you back. Have missed you! It's not been a great summer here, so you haven't missed anything. At least not the happy arrival I had planned on.
    Anyway, good to have you back and sew on!

  2. Name labels schname labels. I can always spot a Coffee House cardi in lost property.

  3. I too am horribly behind in blog-reading. Irritating how one's life gets in the way. Nice to see you back.

  4. We've all hit the mark as read button from time to time; the alternative probably involves stretchers and psychiatric nurses.
    You can always glue the name tags to the sizing tag - waterproof glue is a bit messy to use but very, very fast.
    I clearly remember ejecting my pair from the house one winter morning, in their pajamas, onto a snowbank with the command to cool down, already.

  5. But you read all my blog posts, right? Before deleting all those others, right?

  6. Special markers--name in the tag. Works for me.

    Do your boys wear uniforms? It is amazing how many parents don't consider the fact that 200 kids at the school all have a navy blue sweater. It's a little easier when its a non-uniform school. I remember walking past the lost and found basket and--well, let's just say it was not quite so full when I got through.
