Monday, 28 March 2011


I was idly texting my husband today while I sat in the car and waited for First Born to appear from school (Second Born is away at school camp, charging around in the vicinity of Culloden pretending to be a Jacobite. The house is eerily peaceful.) Anyway, I was texting with Husband and I wanted to type/text/enter/whatever the word "scones".

(Yes, Husband and I have scintillatingly important text conversations about cheese scones. We are just that groovy.)

Anyway, the predictive text thingy was doing its .......thing, and instead of "scones" it insisted that I wanted to say "scoods". It was really quite emphatic about it, to the extent that it was claiming never to have heard of the word "scones" at all. I eventually had to spell it out for the dratted thing.

I have no idea what "scoods" are and am too sensible/scared to Google it*, but I am left shaking my head and wondering: who on earth programmed a phone which knows what "scoods" are but which has never heard of scones? Civilisation is crumbling before our eyes, I tell you.

*Also now slightly worried that "scoods" will turn out to be a very dodgy word indeed andthat I am going to get some very strange hits on the blog for a couple of weeks.


  1. Heaven help us I hope it's the cross between a scarf and a hood, as you don't want hits relating to the meaning from the urban dictionary.

  2. This will one day make a hilarious entry at

  3. That would be I need to wear my glasses more. Really, I do.

  4. I often think that when my predictive text doesn't recognise simple words. You have to be careful what you add to your phone's dictionary too. Most annoyingly I added the name of an acquaintance called Tif. I will never text her again but now her name comes up as the first option for 'the'. It is SO ANNOYING! And I can't delete it either. You should be okay to add scones though.

  5. Katney: I wish you had never mentioned Urban Dictionary. Really. Just........eurgh!

  6. Well, in Canada we have 'scrod'. I suppose that doesn't help a lot.
    All my phone does is dial. When I am somewhere where there is service. At least it doesn't argue with me.

  7. My new phone won't do "Granny" but just "Grammy". I think I may have to rename my mum.

  8. I did the Google check for you. Relax -- a scood is a combination of a scarf/hood. Not that I've ever heard of it before.
