Thursday, 2 July 2009

Woo Hoo!

We're in Liverpool, Nova Scotia! And it's really cloudy and overcast and misty! Just like back in Edinburgh! And yet I still managed to get sunburn yesterday! I am the only person in a 50 mile radius with a bright pink nose! Seriously, how pathetic is that? One day, ONE DAY spent out of doors under several hundred feet of cloud cover and I get sunburn. I had better stay away from any exposed 50 watt bulbs while I am at it.

Had a great day yesterday - Canada Day! Spent wandering about the park in Liverpool eating fries and chatting to complete strangers while our kids ran around like mad things. We got a lift into town from our hosts in a 1921 Dodge car - really really cool - and had dinner at the local BBQ pig roast (First Born, the unreconstructed carnivore was ecstatic). The roast pig was wearing sunglasses. Not quite sure why but it looked quite good.

Off today to the park again (there are rides down there today apparently, according to our children's new friend Andrew) and after that, who knows. I hope you are all looking after the place while I am away. No wild parties or anything!


  1. Woo hoo! Welcome! I hope the weather clears for you:)) I think it is starting to turn.

  2. Sorry to bring you bad news, but it sweltering here in Edinburgh. Absolutely boiling!

  3. I could do with some cloud right now, I'm sweltering. Hope you're having a fantastic time.

  4. Where are you?? Must hunt out that email you sent...

  5. Ahhhh, sounds brilliant! Hope you all have a great time!

  6. Hey, I have an idea...why don't you come to Ottawa where you'll fry like a scampi? If you can catch a burn in the maritimes, you don't stand a chance here. Get a hat, stay covered up and use sunscreen. Have a lovely vacation

  7. Today in Ottawa it was cold and blustery. I wore a jacket to the Farmers' Market, and still shivered. We bought hot chocolate and hot apple cider and warmed our hands with the cardboard cups. It'd be enough to make you homesick.
